German Dog Names L
Your Great Dane is of German Ancestory so it is only fitting for them to have German Dog Names. Name | Sex | Meaning | Lamar | Male | Famous land | Lamarr | Male | Famous land | Lambart | Male | Light of land | Lambert | Male | Light of land | Lambrecht | Male | Light of land | Lambret | Male | Light of land | Lambrett | Male | Light of land | Landmari | Male | Famous land | Landra | Female | Counselor. Abbreviation of Landrada. | Larenzo | Male | Form of Lawrence. | Laurelei | Female | Alternative spelling: Lorelei. | Laurenz | Male | From the place of the laurel trees | Lenard | Male | Lion-bold. | Lennard | Male | Lion-bold. | Leoda | Female | Of the people | Leon | Male | Lion. The lion is a figure in art and religious symbolism of many cultures: symbolizing kingliness and grandeur and courage. | Leonard | Male | Lion-bold. | Leonore | Male | Shining light. Variant of Eleanor. | Leopold | Male | Prince of the people | Leopolda | Female | Prince of the people | Leopoldina | Female | Prince of the people | Leopoldine | Female | Prince of the people | Leopoldo | Male | Prince of the people | Leota | Female | Of the people | Lewy | Male | Famous fighter | Liezel | Female | Abbreviation of Elizabeth My God is bountiful:God of plenty. | Lilli | Female | The flower lily is a symbol of innocence: purity and beauty. | Lind | Female | Snake | Linda | Female | Snake Lime tree: linden tree. | Lindberg | Male | From the linden tree hill | Lindeberg | Male | From the linden tree hill | Lindie | Female | Snake | Lisa | Female | Devoted to God | Lise | Female | Devoted to God | Lisette | Female | Devoted to God | Lorah | Male | Variant of Laura referring to the laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. | Loraine | Female | Made famous in battle | Loralee | Female | Variant of Lorelei. Siren of German legend who lured boatmen in the Rhine to destruction. | Loralei | Female | Variant of Lorelei meaning she whose singing lures men to destruction. | Loranna | Female | Variant of Laura referring to the laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. |
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