German Dog Names M

Your Great Dane is of German Ancestory so it is only fitting for them to have German Dog Names.

Name Sex Meaning
Macon Male Maker
Maddalen Female Magnificent
Maddalena Female Magnificent
Maddalyn Female Magnificent
Madelhari Female Army counselor
Mady Female Maiden
Maganhildi Female Strong battle maiden
Magd Female Maiden
Magda Female Maiden: Abbreviation of Magdalena. Woman from Magdala. Reference to Biblical Mary Magdalene.
Magnhilda Female Strong battle maiden
Magnild Female Strong battle maiden
Magnilda Female Strong battle maiden
Magnilde Female Strong battle maiden
Malene Female Magnificent
Mallory Female Army counselor
Mandel Male Almond
Manfred Male Peaceful
Manfried Male Peaceful
Manfrit Male Peaceful
Marelda Female Famous battle maiden
Margit Female Pearl.
Margit Male Pearl.
Margo Female Variant of Margaret. Pearl.
Margret Female German form of Margaret (child of light: pearl)
Margrit Female Pearl.
Marhilda Female Famous battle maiden
Marhildi Female Famous battle maiden
Maria Female Bitter
Marilda Female Famous battle maiden
Maritza Female Of the sea.
Markel Male Of Mars: the god of war.
Markell Male Of Mars: the god of war.
Markos Male Of Mars. The Roman fertility god Mars for whom March was named.
Markus Male Of Mars. The Roman fertility god Mars for whom March was named.
Marlaina Female Variant of Madeline Woman from Magdala.
Marlana Female Variant of Madeline Woman from Magdala.
Marlayna Female Variant of Madeline Woman from Magdala.
Marlayne Female Variant of Madeline Woman from Magdala.
Marleen Female Variant of Madeline Woman from Magdala.
Marleena Female Variant of Madeline Woman from Magdala.

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Name Sex Meaning
Marleina Female Variant of Madeline Woman from Magdala.
Marlena Female Variant of Madeline Woman from Magdala.
Marlis Female Bitter
Marlisa Female Bitter
Martel Male Warrior of Mars.
Maximilian Male The Greatest
Mayer Male Headman: mayor. Surname.
Maynard Male Firm
Mayne Male Powerful.
Meika Female Your first name of Meika has given you a responsible, expressive, inspirational, and friendly personality. Expression comes naturally to you and you are rarely at a loss for words: in fact, you have to put forth effort at times to curb an over-active tongue. Self-confidence has made it easy for you to meet people and you are well-liked for your spontaneous, happy ways. You sincerely like people and do not often experience loneliness: your work and home-life are likely filled with association
Meinhard Male Firm
Meinke Male Firm
Meino Male Firm
Meinrad Male Strong advisor
Meinyard Male Firm
Melisande Female Strength: determination. Variant of Millicent. Melisandra: (Spanish) Strength: determination.
Milla Female Industrious
Millicent Female Industrious
Mina Female Love
Mindy Female Love
Minna Female Love
Minne Female Love
Mitzi Female Pet name for Mary and Marie.
Monika Female Variant of Mona madonna.
Morgen Female Morning
Mukki Female Variant of Michelle.

German Dog Names Beginning

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