German Dog Names P-R

Your Great Dane is of German Ancestory so it is only fitting for them to have German Dog Names.

Name Sex Meaning
Peer Male A rock. Form of Peter.
Penn Male Commander
Penrod Male Famous commander
Pepin Male Petitioner
Peppi Male Petitioner
Per Male A rock. Form of Peter.
Perahta Female Glorious
Petronilla Female Rock
Petronille Female Rock
Philipinna Female Loves horses
Philipinne Female Loves horses
Porsche Female Offering
Rachel Female Lamb
Raimond Male Guards wisely.
Raimundo Male Guards wisely.
Rainart Male Strong judgment
Rainer Male Strong counselor.
Rainhard Male Strong judgment
Rainor Male Strong counselor.
Rald Male Famous leader
Rambert Male Mighty or intelligent
Ramhert Male Mighty or intelligent
Ramond Male Guards wisely.
Ramund Male Guards wisely.
Ramundo Male Guards wisely.
Raynard Male Strong counselor.
Reggie Male Powerful ruler
Reginald Male Powerful ruler
Reginhard Male Powerful ruler
Renae Female Renae: To be born again
Renard Male Strong counselor.
Renke Male Strong judgment
Reymond Male Guards wisely.
Reymundo Male Guards wisely.
Reynald Male Counselor-ruler.
Reynard Male Mighty and brave Strong counselor.
Reynold Male Counselor-ruler.
Ricarda Female Ruler
Ricardo Male Powerful ruler
Riccardo Male Powerful ruler
Rich Male Powerful ruler
Richard Male Powerful: strong ruler. A Teutonic name from the European Middle Ages. England's King Richard Coeur de Lion was a crusading knight.
Richmond Male Strong protector
Rickard Male Powerful ruler
Rico Male Glory
Rikard Male Powerful ruler
Rilla Female Brook
Rille Female Brook
Rillie Female Brook
Riocard Male Powerful ruler
Risteard Male Powerful ruler
Ritter Male Knight
Roald Male Famous leader
Rob Male Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.
Robb Male Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.
Robbie Male Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.
Robby Male Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.

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Name Sex Meaning
Robert Male Famed: bright: shining. An all-time favorite boys name since the Middle Ages.
Roch Female Glory
Roch Male Glory
Rod Male Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
Rodd Male Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
Roddric Male Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
Rillie Female Brook
Riocard Male Powerful ruler
Risteard Male Powerful ruler
Ritter Male Knight
Roald Male Famous leader
Rob Male Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.
Robb Male Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.
Robbie Male Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.
Robby Male Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.
Robert Male Famed: bright: shining. An all-time favorite boys name since the Middle Ages.
Roch Female Glory
Roch Male Glory
Rod Male Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
Rodd Male Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
Roddric Male Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
Roddrick Male Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
Roddy Male Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
Roderic Male Famous ruler.
Roderica Female Famous ruler.
Roderick Male Famous ruler.
Roderika Female Famous ruler.
Roderik Male Famous ruler.
Roger Male Renowned spearman. Rogelio: (Spanish) Renowned spearman.
Roland Male Renowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
Rolanda female From the famous land
Rolande Female From the famous land
Rolando Male Renowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
Rolf Male Wolf counsel.
Rollan Male Renowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
Rolland Male Renowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
Romhilde Male Glorious battle maiden
Rosa Female Noted protector
Rosamund Female Noted protector
Ross Male Red. Surname.
Rossiter Male Red. Surname.
Rosston Male Red. Surname.
Rosswald Male Horse mighty
Rosswalt Male Horse mighty
Rosswell Male Horse mighty
Roth Male Red. Surname.
Rowland Male Renowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
Rozmonda Female Noted protector
Rudella Female Famous
Rudiger Male German form of Roger
Rudy Male Abbreviation of Rudolph.
Rupert Male Bright fame
Rupetta Female Famous
Rupette Female Famous
Ruprecht Male Bright fame
Rutger Male German form of Roger
Ryszard Male Powerful ruler

German Dog Names Beginning

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