German Dog Names S-T

Your Great Dane is of German Ancestory so it is only fitting for them to have German Dog Names.

Name Sex Meaning
Saelac Male Blessed
Sarohildi Female Armored battle maiden
Schaffer Male Steward.
Selig Male Blessed
Selik Male Blessed
Senta Female Assistant
Sente Female Assistant
Serhild Female Armored battle maiden
Serhilda Female Armored battle maiden
Serhilde Female Armored battle maiden
Serilda Female Armored battle maiden
Sherman Male In medieval times a shearman worked as a sheepshearer or finisher of cloth. Shermann
Shermon Male In medieval times a shearman worked as a sheepshearer or finisher of cloth. Shermann
Siegfried Male Victorious
Sigfreda Female Victorious
Sigfrid Male Victorious
Sigifrith Male Victorious
Sigilwig Female Champion
Sigiwald Male Victorious ruler
Sigmund Male Victory: protection. Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud.
Sigwald Male Victorious ruler
Sigwalt Male Victorious ruler
Silvester Male Trees: sylvan. See also Sylvester and Silvano.
Solvig Female Champion
Spangler Male Tinsmith
Spengler Male Tinsmith
Stefan Male Crown: wreath. Variant of Stephen.
Stein Male Stone
Steiner Male Stone
Sterling Male of high quality: pure.: Also variant of a name given pre-medieval refiners of silver meaning easterner. Surname.
Sterlyn Male of high quality: pure.: Also variant of a name given pre-medieval refiners of silver meaning easterner.
Stirling Male of high quality: pure.: Also variant of a name given pre-medieval refiners of silver meaning easterner.
Suzanne Female Lily Variant of Hebrew Susannah. In the apocryphal Book of Tobit Susannah courageously defended herself against wrongful accusation. White lilies grew in the Biblical city of Susa in Persia.

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Name Sex Meaning
Tab Male Brilliant
Tabatha Female Sweet and gentle. One who cares.
Tabbart Male Brilliant
Tahbert Male Brilliant
Tavin Male A nickname for Gustav royal staff.
Tedrick Male Variant of the old German name Theodoric ruler of the people.
Teiran Female Strong willed, Determined.
Terell Male Powerful.
Terall Male Powerful.
Terel Male Powerful.
Thressa Female Variant of Therese.
Thrisha Female Intellectual.
Tibelda Female Boldest
Tibeldie Female Boldest
Tihalt Male Prince of the people
Treffen Male Meets
Trennen Male Divides
Tresa Female Variant of Theresa which is a popular saint's name of uncertain meaning.
Tretan Male Walks
Truda Female Fighting woman
Trudchen Female Fighting woman
Trude Female Fighting woman
Tugenda Female Virtue

German Dog Names Beginning

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